1881 memories page: share Lifes journey and Special moments on and off the field

please email photos to photos@1881FOOTBALL.com and we will review and then post them

656 King Edward Avenue 1979 - the Football House - Doug Brown, John Hennessy, Rob Tallyhoe, Guilo Pettrilli, Paul Lacey 

656 King Edward Avenue 1979 - the Football House - Doug Brown, John Hennessy, Rob Tallyhoe, Guilo Pettrilli, Paul Lacey 

Don Burns is alive, rumours of his death were greatly exageratted 

Don Burns is alive, rumours of his death were greatly exageratted 

University Tavern 2015 - Chris Spratt, Doug Brown, Mike & Fran Ried - Sam's wife in the background 

University Tavern 2015 - Chris Spratt, Doug Brown, Mike & Fran Ried - Sam's wife in the background 

Jeff Simms
1980 Offensive Line - Dave Upton, Brent Walker, Mike Ried,Warner Myles, John Hennessy

1980 Offensive Line - Dave Upton, Brent Walker, Mike Ried,Warner Myles, John Hennessy

Brian Villeneuve and Bob Pelletier